June 23, 2009

Infliximab and Azathioprine combo works best

In October last year I noted a report that Infliximab worked better than Azathioprine, and their combination worked better than Azathioprine alone. A new report in Forbes about a larger, lengthier study confirms the earlier report, and finds that the combination of drugs is significantly more effective than either alone.

After 50 weeks, 72.2 percent of patients who'd received the infliximab/azathioprine drug combination were in steroid-free remission, compared to 60.8 percent who'd received infliximab alone and 54.7 percent who had taken azathioprine alone, according to a Digestive Disease Week news release.

Of additional interest is that the subjects of the study commenced their medication regimes earlier in the disease's progression than is usual. The success of this treatment may influence when these drugs are used in future.