November 16, 2006

Vaccine hope

The Scotsman has a very optimistic article about a Crohn's vaccine that seems to work in mice:

John Hermon-Taylor, professor of surgery at St George's Hospital in London, believes he has made the breakthrough that could spell the end of the incapacitating disease.

Prof Hermon-Taylor has conducted pre-clinical vaccine tests on mice and says preliminary results returned no signs of side-effects or adverse reactions.

He said: "The vaccine proved highly successful in both treatment and prevention in pre-clinical trials.

Lest everyone gets their hopes up too high, as far as I'm aware, the theory on which this vaccine is based, stated in the article as fact, is still unproven:
Crohn's is a severe inflammation of the small intestine and the colon that can require surgery. It is caused by the bug MAP (Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis), which is widely carried and contracted by farm animals.

Still, I have my fingers crossed that vaccine is a success in humans.